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Office of Disability Rights

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Administrative Requirements

District of Columbia Government ADA Coordinators

Under Title II of the ADA, all public entities must designate a person or persons whose job it is to mediate complaints and to ensure compliance with the ADA and other disability rights laws. The District of Columbia has designated the Office of Disability Rights (ODR) to oversee the District’s obligations under the ADA. ODR oversees the ADA Coordinators in the various District agencies; advises the public about the ADA and the District’s compliance obligations; and coordinates the investigation of grievances filed by the public alleging discrimination in District programs, services, or activities. The Office of Disability Rights, in conjunction with the Department of Human Resources and the Office of Human Rights, is responsible for overseeing ADA Compliance for all District disability-related employment issues.

District agencies are required to conduct an ADA self-evaluation of their programs, services, activities, and facilities and to develop an ADA Compliance Plan identifying physical, programmatic, and communication changes needed to comply with the ADA.

For additional information, please contact:

Office of Disability Rights
One Judiciary Square
441 4th Street NW Suite 729N
Washington, DC 20001
Main Number: (202) 724-5055 TTY: (202) 727-3363
Fax: (202) 727-9484
Email: [email protected]